Well that was a fun evening. Only part way through our first campaign of Doom and I am really enjoying myself. Three (totally badass) marines vs the (frankly hideous) Invaders and until the last round we appeared to be surviving quite well. This, despite the fact that at one point Clichegoth somehow managed to expend his ammo without actually firing his gun! (Poor guy – the dice really do hate him).
All posts by Olly
Kickstarter Watch: Brew Crafters
First Impressions: Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia
Ok, so we finally got to play Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia and it was….ok, I guess. Our first play through was a little rushed and muddled (as is often the case with new games), but it didn’t leave me with a burning desire to return to it.
Continue reading First Impressions: Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia
Mystery Express
Oh I do love a good mystery. It’s actually quite common to see me running around town in a deerstalker, thwarting ne’er do wells in their evil schemes and thrilling all and sundry with the might and glory of my mystery-solving brain. Or, at least it would be if that pesky restraining order wasn’t in place. Some people have no sense of justice *sigh* Lucky for me then, that I have found a new outlet for my canny mind – Mystery Express.
Bohnanza Review
We all know the rhyme – beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot. Thankfully however, this a game about bean farming, not bean farting. Probably for the best really considering Bohnanza features a variety of beans that players must plant, grow and harvest in a race against the deck to earn the most cash from their smooth bartering and canny bean planting.
Bohnanza is a competitive farming game with each player assuming the role of a bean farmer. Gameplay consists of planting/selling beans, visiting the market and trading with other players to try and offload unwanted goods. This may sound like a typical trade game, but Bohnanza offers a surprising amount of strategy thanks to a brilliant and simple game mechanic that you just don’t see very often. Lets take a quick look at the gameplay. Continue reading Bohnanza Review