About Us

Hello and welcome to our website. We are just some of the gamers you can find in Nottingham, UK. who needed an outlet for their gaming enthusiasm. This site will be [very, very slowly, like glacially slowly] filled with our views, thoughts and opinion on the world of board gaming.

Our focus is gaming reviews (Written and video), but we hope to introduce more features over the coming months. We’ll be providing interviews and opinion pieces, along with any useful hints, tips, and ephemera along the way.

Speaking of which, we want to hear from the gaming community at large, so please feel free to drop us a comment on our Facebook page or get involved with the comments. Let us know about any events you are running, a cool game you just found out about or even just some great shop want to share.

…we want to hear from the gaming community at large, so please feel free to drop us a comment on our Facebook page or get involved with the comments

So, who are we?


No-one knows the origin of this mysterious and elusive creature of the night – all they know for sure is that he is a force to be reckoned with on the table (or anywhere else for that matter). Fearlessly taking down Cylons and adventuring into Incan temples at every given opportunity, this gambling fool does not know when to stop.

John is our camera expert and video editor. Who knows, you may be lucky enough to be filmed by him one day…

Fun Fact: Our site name abbreviates to F.A.T.B (Pronounced “Fat Bee”). This is why our logo is a Bee.

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Sporadic thoughts from the Board Game obsessed